Here is the series of “Apple Healthy Diet“ by Erica Shinohara, a registered dietitian, who raises awareness on “the beauty and the health.”
The eighth column we should be aware of is called “the diet to create a beaty from inside of your body.” She introduces the recommended ways of eating apples and educates us about the various components of an apple to assist the diet.
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Delicious diet with apples
Even if you eat one apple, it has a low energy content of about 100 kcal.
Moreover, it contains a variety of ingredients that support weight loss.
Let’s build a delicious, healthy, and beautiful body with one apple a day.
The Diet to Promote Healthy Beauty

It is widely reported that the procyanidin, the main component of apple polyphenol, has various effects. Among them as an attractive effect for a dietitian is the expectation of reducing internal organ fat. It suppresses the task of an enzyme which makes fat in the body, also activates another enzyme burning fat as an energy source. It is also expected to control an enzyme, called lipase, from breaking down the fat in the body, then to prevent fat absorption from meals and to accelerate discharging.
Apple polyphenol has antioxidative effects of aging prevention and inhibiting active oxygen. Active oxygen not only causes the aging of skin such as stains and wrinkles, but also induces the whole body aging like arteriosclerosis, etc. After all the apple diet contributes to making a fine body from inside.
Next, the article “Recommended ways of eating” is coming soon.
Tips on how to eat apples to stay beautiful and healthy, and I somehow knew that apples seemed to be good for the body, but how is it really? I also recommend ♡ reading to those who say
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Erika Shinohara Profile

registered dietitian, Vegetable Sommelier Pro, The Board Certification of Therapy Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
After working at a general hospital and a nephrology and internal medicine clinic, she became independent. Through many years of clinical experience and activities in anti-aging medicine, she specializes in discovering dietary habits that create health and beauty from within the body and disseminating them in an easy-to-understand manner. In addition to providing dietary counseling at medical institutions, she is active in a wide range of activities, including lectures nationwide, seminar lecturers, column writing, media correspondence such as TV, radio, and magazines, and supervising books.
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Diet Table of Contents
Intestinal activity table of contents